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Nutrition Support
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Living Creek

Simple Elegant Olive Leaf Branch
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Unprocessed whole foods possess the ability to nourish, cleanse, and strengthen the body.

The Problem

You don't feel well, your blood pressure is high, your joints ache, your stomach hurts, your blood sugar is out of balance. You have any one of these issues or other chronic health concerns. You'd like to get to the root cause, to correct what created the problem.

A River Between Green Trees

The Solution

Healthy food

Nutritional Therapy is a food first approach to addressing chronic health concerns. Everything from cardiovascular issues to persistent pain can be improved by diet and life style changes. Nutritional Therapy works to identify what your body needs as an individual. Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (NTPs) support their clients through customized diet and lifestyle recommendations.

How it works

Nutritional Therapy helps the body get back into balance. When outside influences throw systems off the body works to rebalance vital systems. When the body cannot correct imbalances, health problems occur, which can present as unwanted and unpleasant symptoms such as: persistent pain, blood sugar regulation issues, or cardiovascular concerns. Providing the body with nutritious food gives it the tools to bring systems back into balance. Because of its great design, the human body is innately intelligent, possessing the ability to recover from chronic imbalances. NTPs help their clients achieve this by working on six health foundations: A Nutrient Dense Diet, Digestion, Blood Sugar Regulation, Dietary Fats, Minerals, and Hydration.

balance in peace


A Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire

is used to help identify weak areas in a person's health based upon the symptoms they experience and the severity of those symptoms.

An NTP works with the client to develop individualized diet and lifestyle changes that the client feels confident and ready to make.

Clients have the most success with on going support and trouble shooting follow up visits. That is why my services are combined into package options.


Testing the Waters

Free Discovery Call

This is a complementary mini health questionnaire and consultation for the individual looking to explore how an NTP could be of help. After the questionnaire is completed you will receive a complementary 20 minute discovery call, to see if Nutritional Therapy is right for you.


Knee Deep

Getting Started

This includes:

  • The Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire
  • Initial Interview Visit
  • Recommendations Visit
  • 1 Follow Up Visit


full swim

Moving Forward

This includes:

  • The Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire
  • Initial Interview Visit
  • Recommendations Visit
  • 5 Follow Up Visits
  • Ability to text or email questions as needed.



MEET SHANNON: I'm a lover of the great outdoors, whole food, paddle boarding, feeling healthy, and Jesus. I believe that God created our bodies to heal through the nutrients built into the food He designed for us to eat. The trouble is we don't eat what we were designed to eat, as a result, our bodies don't work correctly and illness develops. I am working to recover from my own health challenges. In 2019 I developed stomach pain. It felt like my stomach was on fire. After working with holistic professionals the pain has just about disappeared. With a desire to help others I attended the Nutritional Therapy Association. My training is an evidence based, common sense approach to health and wellness. With some customized recommendations and respectful coaching you too can begin to feel healthy.



